Many homeowners in San Jose want their bathrooms to be more than just utilitarian spaces for bathing and grooming tasks. With some savvy bathroom remodeling, a bathroom can become a place where you can relax at the end of a busy day or reinvigorate yourself for a night out on the town. New innovations in bathtub and shower design available at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Bay Area combine modern technologies with artful style to transform an ordinary bathroom into a uniquely personal retreat.
Building the Ultimate Shower
“Versatility” is the word that best describes today’s options for shower makeovers. From showerheads that mimic waterfalls to those that emit light as well as water, shower feature choices are virtually limitless. These trending features are among the most popular options:
- Walk-in showers not only provide space for two but eliminate the need for a shower curtain or door.
- Adding a steam-generating unit to your existing shower lets you enjoy a steam spa experience in the privacy of your own home.
- Stand-alone steam showers are available as well, including models that come with built-in benches and aromatherapy scent dispensers.
- Multiple wall-mounted sprayers are the latest twist in shower head options. Combine them with an overhead rainshower fixture with a massaging function for the ultimate shower experience.
- High-tech controls are available with remote or wall-mounted controls that let you set water temperatures and pressure before you step into the enclosure.
Stylish Bathtub Options
For those who view a long soak in a bathtub as the ultimate in relaxation, bathtub styles are just as important as faucets and fixtures. Although whirlpool tubs remain a popular option, the newest innovations center on enhancing the soaking experience, such as bathtubs equipped with chromatherapy, where hidden lighting fixtures alter the color of water to match your mood. With clean, sculptural lines and simple geometric shapes, minimalist bathtub styles add to the serenity of the experience.
Whether it’s a high-tech shower equipped with waterproof stereo speakers or a stand-alone bathtub installed under a bathroom skylight, it takes the skills of an experienced San Jose plumber from Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Bay Area to ensure that the job is completed properly and effectively.
To schedule a design consultation for your own custom bathroom remodeling transformation, call 415-459-3266 today.